Peng Yue

Company: ReviR Therapeutics

Job title: Co-Founder & Chief Executive Officer


Small Molecules Targeting RNA Expression: Evaluation of Preclinical Therapeutics in Pathophysiological Models of Disease 2:20 pm

Examining translational medicine approaches to demonstrate human efficacy in vitro by utilizing IPSC models that asess small molecule RNA therapeutics for Huntington’s disease Leveraging unique ‘omics analyses to demonstrate robust target engagement and target specificity profile to enhance translational confidence to the clinic Limitations and challenges when utilizing patient derived models in vitro vs. in…Read more

Fire-Side Chat: Understanding Off-Target Effects to Reduce Toxicity In Vivo 11:00 am

Assessing how to reduce off-target effects to improve safety and efficacy of drugs and allow for a more targeted approach Utilizing small molecule bioinformatics to better predict offtarget interactions How to increase therapeutic index in preclinical models that successfully translate into the clinic?Read more

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