Paul August
Company: ReviR Therapeutics
Job title: Chief Scientific Officer
Unlocking the Therapeutic Potential of Small Molecule mRNA Splicing Modulators to Prevent Somatic Expansion in Huntington’s Disease 12:30 pm
Exploring the molecular mechanisms by which small molecule mRNA splicing modulators interact with the mismatch repair (MMR) pathway to prevent somatic expansion Summarizing results from in vivo studies that evaluate the therapeutic potential of small molecule mRNA splicing modulators to address somatic expansion Highlighting key findings that show the impact on the mismatch repair pathway,…Read more
day: Day Two
Panel Discussion: Evaluating High-Value Direct RNA & Protein/RNA Complex Target Traits for Ensuring Efficient Binding & Therapeutic Effect for Accelerating Relevant Drug Discovery 12:10 pm
What are the key characteristics which validated RNA and RNA/protein targets share? How to conduct high resolution characterization of RNA targets including the different proteins and binding compounds present in the body How to determine RNA sub-targets which can be both bound by small molecule targets and cause therapeutic effectsRead more
day: Day One